Software Reset


Is it possible to reset the chip by software?


(warning)A reset because of malfunction is a wrongful behavior.(warning)

There are multiple ways on resetting the chip.


There is an FAQ on the watchdogs available. However, only the communication side watchdog is able to reset the chip.

For the reset of the communication watchdog, the same points as discussed later on in the "Cortex System Reset Function" box are also valid here.

Reset Request Packet

The "Reset Request Packet" is the correct way to reset the chip. more information is available in the firmware update FAQ where it is used functional.

Firmware update

Cortex System Reset Function

(warning)(error) May damage the chip or external devices! (error)(warning)

The "System Reset Function" of the cortex M4 itself may be called with DRV_NVIC_SystemReset or NVIC_SystemReset.

However, because the communication side might be in the process of altering a flash area, either inside or external the alteration of data is halted. After waking up, recovering procedures might be necessary and flash is altered again. This leads to possible racing conditions that will quickly use up all erase cycles available on the flash and damage the chip internal flash or the external SQI flash.