SDRAM Custom configuration

SDRAM Custom configuration

The component verification flow is a process where external memory components are getting verified by hint of hardware and software tests. The objective of the process is verifying the timing parameters across the temperature range in order to find the optimal operating point.

All released components for netX 90 SoC are collected here: Supported hardware components netX 90 

These tickets contain the component specific parameters for the right adjustment of the component.

By designing a prototype with netX 90 and an external component, These parameters need to be set in the hardware configuraion within netX Studio CDT.

For a SDRAM component the parameters to be set are:

  1. General Control
  2. Timing Control
  3. Mode Register
  4. Size (MByte)

netX Studio already integrates the overlay files for several memory components, that are released by Hilscher.

A 16-bit SDRAM component may be the IS45S16400J-7BLA2, a 8 MB variant from the manufacturer ISSI, which is currently selectable in the netX Studio SDRAM configuration settings.

Where to find the SDRAM Settings?

Step1: Start your netX Studio CDT Project and select your current or a new Hardware configuration.

Step2: Select the external SDRAM Memory (SDRAM8 for 8-bit SDRAM and SDRAM16 for 16-bit SDRAM) and integrate it into your pinning by Drag & Drop.

Now, the SDRAM configuration window should appear. If not, dopple click or right click on a random SDRAM pin. You can choose between an existing SDRAM component or a Custom setting.

If your specific component is not yet released by Hilscher, you are able to create a custom SDRAM configuration, which is rather simple.

With the following example you could at least start until the CompVerify process is done. The CompVerify later on will basically just verify the timing parameters across the temperature range.

The general configuration of the SDRAM controller will be the same. Perhaps only the timing parameters will be calibrated to ensure the optimal operating point across the temperature range.

Example custom SDRAM configurations

To start a custom SDRAM configuration the data sheet of your component, as well as the netX 90 Register Definition is required. 

The netX 90 register definitions as HTML file can be downloaded at Downloads netX 90.

The examples shows, how to select the right values for the Generals Control Register based on the data sheet.

Example 1: General Control for IS45S16400J-7BLA2 from ISSI

Datasheet Values: http://www.issi.com/WW/pdf/42-45S16400J.pdf

  • 1M Bits x 16-bit x 4-bank
  • Row address A0-A11
  • Column address A0-A7

Example 2: General Control for AS4C8M16SA-6BIN from Alliance Memory

Datasheet Values: https://www.alliancememory.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/dram/128M-AS4C8M16SA.pdf

  • 2M Bits x 16-bit x 4-bank
  • Row address A0-A11
  • Column address A0-A8


  1. The netX 90 register definitions as HTML file can be downloaded at Downloads netX 90.
  2. The parameter settings for the AS4C8M16SA-6BIN type were functionally tested at room temperatures.
  3. The objective of the CompVerify process is verifying the timing parameters across the temperature range in order to find the optimal operating point.

BitDescriptionValueValue DescriptionExample 1: AS4C8M16SA-6BIN (16 MB)Example 2: IS45S16400J-7BLA2 (8 MB)
1-0Number of SDRAM device banks and address lines



2 banks, address (BA0)

4 banks, address lines (BA1, BA0)(default)

5-4Number of SDRAM device rows and address lines




2k rows, address lines A0..A10 (default)

4k rows, address lines A0..A11

8k rows, address lines A0..A12

10-8Number of SDRAM device columns and address lines






256 columns, address lines A0..A7 (default)

512 columns, address lines A0..A8

1k columns, address lines A0..A9

2k columns, address lines A0..A9,A11

4k columns, address lines A0..A9,A11,A12

16SDRAM data bus width



SDRAM data bus is 8 bit wide  (default)

SDRAM data bus is 16 bit wide

17SDRAM power down0If this bit is set, the controller will move SDRAM to power down self refresh mode (no data loss)
and stop the external SDRAM clock. Return from power-down mode can be done by clearing this bit.
18External SDRAM clock enable



SDRAM clock disabled  (default)

SDRAM clock enabled

19Global SDRAM controller enable



see sdram_general_ctrl register11
25-24Refresh request generation mode





see sdram_general_ctrl register0000
29-26reserved0see sdram_general_ctrl register00
30SDRAM ready



see sdram_general_ctrl register00
31Refresh status flag



see sdram_general_ctrl register00

BIN: 0000 0000 0000 1101 0000 0001 0001 0001

HEX: 0x000D0111

General Control: 0x000D0111

BIN: 0000 0000 0000 1101 0000 0000 0001 0001

HEX: 0x000D0011

General Control: 0x000D0011

The same procedure needs to be done for the Register "Timing Control" and "Mode Register". 

The last value "Size (MByte)" is the size of your component as HEX value in MByte. Thus, a 8 MByte component has the value 0x08, a 16 MByte component the value 0x10 and a 32 MByte component the value 0x20.

ParameterAS4C8M16SA-6BIN IS45S16400J-7BLA2
General Control0x000D01110x000D0011
Timing Control0x014032510x01403251
Mode Register0x000000220x00000022
Size (MByte)0x100x08

(warning) The parameter settings for the AS4C8M16SA-6BIN type were functionally tested at room temperatures.

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