Boundary Scan (BSDL) Files

Boundary Scan (BSDL) Files

The BSDL file is valid for netX 90 chips Rev.0 and Rev.1

Known Issue

The value of TDI is always shifted into the BYPASS register with every cycle of TCK.
A preload of the BYPASS register to '0' when receiving the BYPASS instruction has not been implemented.
We have not verified in detail that this is a requirement of IEEE 1149.1.
We suggest a software workaround on the external (JTAG interface) side if possible.

  File Modified


2019-05-10 by Former user

PDF File netX90_BSDL_readme.pdf

2019-05-10 by Former user

PDF File netX 90 BSDL File.pdf

2019-05-10 by Former user

File OpenOCD_Scripts_V1_0_0_0.7z

2021-02-17 by ERP Admin

File netX90_V1_2.bsdl

2021-02-17 by ERP Admin

Information on Scripts

The scripts are used to enable the following pins input: F9, G8,H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, J6, J7, J8, J9, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, M4, M5, M6 und M7.

Scripts for increasing coverage of IO-pins for boundary scan on netX90 chips. Ticket: https://ticket.hilscher.com/browse/J140437NXT-32

These scripts are used to flash the PAD_CTRL registers in order to enable the otherwise disabled input pins upon startup in combination with OpenOCD for netX90. To use this script, connect the netX90 evaluation board to the pc via USB and run the main batch file: netx90_update_padctrl.bat located in the OpenOCD Scripts parent folder. Upon running, the script performs the following actions:

  • The netX90 cpu gets attached to the OpenOCD debugger
  • The processor gets resetted. This is done by first clearing any remaining power-on-reset flags and invalidating the INTRAM memory section. Afterwards, the cpu is put in an endless loop in preparation to be resetted and halted at a breakpoint at the end of the hardware configuration. The breakpoint's address is dependent on the revision of the netX90 chip itself. The script will automatically detect the chip's revision. A complete documentation on how to reset the netX90 can be found here: Reset sequence for netX 90 rev0/rev1 COM side with example for Lauterbach. Supported netX90 revisions are:
    • netX 90 revision 0 including Romcode release RC5 (date code 18XX)
    • netX 90 revision 1 including Romcode release RC6 (date code 19XX)
    Please note that MPW versions of netX90 are not supported with this script.

Initial Setup

Connect and power up the netX90 evaluation board to the PC via USB and make sure that the DIP-switch for the JTAG selector are set to FTDI in order for OpenOCD to work. Furthermore, the right drivers for the evaluation board or adapter need to be installed and up to date. Next, select the used evaltuation board or adapter by uncommenting the respective line in OpenOCD's attach configuration located in:

OpenOCD attach configuration
File: > OpenOCD Scripts/board/hilscher_netX90_com_attach.cfg

Supported evaluation boards/adapters in version v1.0 are:

After that, the scripts are ready to use. To start the flashing process, run the main batch file: netx90_update_padctrl.bat. If the registers need to be verified, run the verification batch file: netx90_verify_padctrl.bat

Once the update script is done, the cpu will remain halted at the respecive breakpoint after the hardware configuration. The verify script does not change the processor's state, or alters it during execution.

Known Errors and Issues

The following errors occured during testing:

Error: no device found
Error: unable to open ftdi device with vid 1939, pid 002c, description 'NXHX 90-JTAG', serial '*' at bus location '*'

Make sure the following things are setup properly:

  • The board has power and the DIP-switch for the JTAG multiplexer is set to the FTDI position
  • The correct type of evaluation board got uncommented in the board config file
Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED

This error should not influence the correct working behaviour of the script.
